► Serrano, A.; Cazcarro, I.; Martín-Retortillo, M. y Rodríguez-López, G. (2024): Europe’s orchard: The role of irrigation on the Spanish agricultural production. Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 110, August 2024, 103376 (JCR 2023 5.1 Q1 Geography; Q1 Regional & Urban Planning) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2024.103376
► Martín-Retortillo, M. y Pinilla, V. (2022): The fundamental causes of economic growth: An analysis of the total factor productivity of European agriculture, 1950-2005. Historia Agraria 88 (Dic), pp. 191-217 (JCR 2022 0.7 Q2 History) DOI 10.26882/histagrar.088e07m
► Martín-Retortillo, M.; Pinilla, V.; Velazco, J. y Willebald, H. (2022): Is there a Latin American agricultural growth pattern? Factor endowments and productivity in the second half of the twentieth century. Revista de Historia Económica – Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, vol. 40 (1), March 2022, pp. 99 – 134 (JCR 2022 1 Q1 History of social sciences, Q1 History, Q4 Economics) doi.org/10.1017/S0212610920000294
► Ayuda, MI., Esteban, E., Martín-Retortillo, M. y Pinilla, V. (2020): The blue water footprint of the Spanish wine industry: 1935–2015. Water 12 (7) 1872 (JCR 2020 Impact Factor 3.103 Q2 Water resources)
► Martín-Retortillo, M.; Serrano, A. y Cazcarro, I. (2020): Double concentration explaining the outstanding increase in the Spanish agricultural production. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 18 (3) e107 (JCR 2020 Impact Factor 1.238 Q3 Agriculture, Multidisciplinary). doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2020183-15760